Blitz & Keeper

by Alex Pouliotte


First comic Previous comic
Alright, Blitz & Keeper is going through it's growing pains, so bear with the craptacularity and inconsistency of these early comics. I've finnaly gotten a style I like now, and it will show in the later installements I have lined up for ya. You'll notice it when it comes. No worries. Wait a minute...who the fuck am I writing this to? No one reads this comic.
<----Agreed, you are an ignorant ass-mongrel.

Link to me please. Come on, I need this.

Blitz & Keeper, all characters and artwork are copyright and trademark of Alexandre Pouliotte. DO NOT COPY ANY MATERIAL WITHOUT PERMISSION.

Blitz and Keeper is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.